Quick Update

First find out what changes have been made (e.g. environment variables), you can find the changes on GitHub under releases. Always make a backup before updating. If possible, backup the whole VM, otherwise backup the config files and the docker volumes.

Now go back to your FlyingFish directory. Stop and delete the docker containers.

cd /opt/flyingfish
docker compose stop
docker compose rm

Now compare the .env file with the one in GitHub to see if there are new variables, but I will point this out explicitly in the release.

Delete the old docker-compose.yml and re-download it.

rm docker-compose.yml
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stefanwerfling/flyingfish/main/setup/docker-compose.yml -o docker-compose.yml

Now download the new docker images and start the containers.

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

Finally, let's clean up.

Check beforehand whether the containers are all running! Otherwise it could happen that the container is removed with an error. You can check whether the container is running with the following command:

docker ps
docker system prune --all

Last updated